Wednesday 13 November 2013

COMMITMENT..........Let nothing stand in your way.

Good day friends. It feels great to be back here again after my unannounced vacation (smiles). I do hope you all are doing fine. Today, I want us to quickly look at one of the ingredients of success in life. Believe it or not, nothing in life can be achieved without commitment. Commitment is the oil that gets you going. Without it, you might never get started, without it you will never get going nor finish whatever you started. Every good thing begins with commitment. Commitment is either all or none. You either put all of yourself into something or you don't - mind, body and soul.  Nobody has ever achieved success in life without a deliberate commitment. For instance, no marriage can ever be successful without two people making a commitment to make it a success. Same way personal growth/development requires individual commitment.
Commitment covers every area of our lives. Nothing happens until we make a commitment. A leader must be committed to growth, so as to grow the people around him and add value to them. It is a promise to be kept no matter what. Commitment is not something you just do when someone is watching. It is something you do all the time even if no one is watching. It is something that, in the course of time, has formed your essence of living, a part of your character and ultimately your modus-operandi. It is the wheel that drives you to success. Commitment comes with a promise, the will to fulfill your promise no matter what happen and no matter the cost! Commitment comes with responsibility, without which success becomes impossible. It is never a matter of convenience.
Commitment is definitely a key to a fruitful life but exercising discernment in what to commit to is the first step. Be intentional, examine your options and then commit to your course, realizing that you will still have to periodically assess the situation and make sure you remain on target. There is need to ask yourself every morning, “what am I committed to today” “am I still on course”? Once you are able to establish what your commitments are, the next steps should be how to follow through. How to do those ever so important little things that lead to the accomplishment of your goals. People who have committed themselves to a cause or to a person other than themselves are usually the most fulfilled people in life. Find a course and be committed to it. It is a path to greatness.

In our society today, there appears to be a lessening of commitment to one's word; to relationships; to marriage; and to service. A remedy for much of what ails us today is commitment - exerting personal power to see something through to the end. Commitment requires discipline and focus. It requires dedication, with a total determination to achieve and succeed. Just as you would commit to a person you loved in marriage, or to a job you are employed to do, so must you be committed to your life and work towards achieving your goal in life. Make a choice, stick to it, and let nothing get in the way. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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