Good day friends. Great
to have you here again. I want you to quickly pause and reflect on these questions.
“What do you believe?” “How does your belief affect you”? “What can your belief
fetch you”? Believe me friend, life is largely about what you believe! It is
about believing in who you are, in the people around you. It is about believing
in your vision and of course your mission. It is about believing that brighter
days lie ahead. Belief creates the actual fact of life. The fact that there is
something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. That to accomplish
great things, you must not only plan but also believe. I love the way The
English Clergyman; Robert Bolton puts it “a belief is not merely an idea that
the mind possesses, it is an idea that possesses the mind”.
Belief is the
foundation for all pursuits in life, either negative or positive. Belief offers
hope. It brings excitement and a brighter hope for the future. With belief, you can overcome the challenges/obstacles of
life. Belief makes things possible even when you can't physically see the
possibilities. Belief brings sunshine after darkness, and hope for change in life.
Just like the bible rightly puts it “all things are possible to those who
believeth”. Believe that it can be done and then it is done.
One thing
I love about ‘belief’ is that you are always right no matter what you believe. Either
you believe you can or you believe you can’t ….you can’t be wrong.
Belief is
more of an internal thing. You have to believe within before you can believe outside.
You must be able to visualize what you believe before it becomes real and the
more you believe the more real it becomes. When you translate your emotion into
action, it will make what you believe becomes a reality. Write your beliefs
down. There's something magic that happens when you physically write down your
beliefs that helps transform them into reality.
Every man or woman must be willing and able to
give his/her life for what he/she believes! Sometimes people believe in little
or nothing, [and yet] they give up their lives to that little or nothing. You only
have one life to live, therefore you must live it the best way you believe in
living it. To surrender what you are, and live without belief is more terrible
than dying young. What and who you choose to believe really matters. Believe in
yourself and truly you have hope for the future. Believe in others and they can
also have hope to achieve their goals. Enjoy the rest of your day friends.
Remember never to stop believing in YOU.
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