Thursday 4 July 2013 learn, unlearn and relearn.

Have you ever seen people who always act like they know everything? People who always make you feel like there is nothing you can tell them that they don't already know. Attempting to teach or correct such people is almost an impossible task. Thus, it is oft difficult for such people to learn and improve on anything they do. The truth is that no matter how much you already know, there are always more to learn. If you stop being better at something, then u have certainly stopped being good at it. Anyone who feels he is done with learning can as well be said to be over and done with life. It is always great to have a teachable mind. You must have a burning innate desire to endlessly learn, grow and develop. We must strive to become more than what we already are. Once we yield to this proclivity for continuous and never-ending improvement, a life of endless accomplishments and satisfaction becomes inevitable. If you look for opportunities to learn in every situation, you will expand your talent to its potential. Learning is an effective way to acquire skills and experience. Consciously and actively seek out and plan teachable moments. You can do that by reading books, visiting places that inspire you, attending events that prompt you to pursue change and spending time with people who stretch you and expose you to new experiences and challenges. All the good advice in the world won’t help if you don’t have a teachable mind. More of what you know are somehow things that you will be taught. You must admit your inadequacies and embrace corrections except you are perfect.

 Teachability is not so much about competence and mental capacity as it is about attitude. It is the desire to listen, learn, and apply. It is the hunger to discover and grow. It is the willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn. You must learn from your experiences and mistakes. I love the words of the legendary basketball coach John Wooden: “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Leaders need to know that if they stop learning then they have stopped leading. If they remain teachable and keep learning, they will certainly remain leaders. Leading and learning are indispensable to each other. Whatever your talent happens to be – whether it is leadership, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship etc – you will expand it if you keep growing and striving to learn more. I belong to the school of thought that the most important skill to acquire is learning how to learn. The mind must be prepared for knowledge as one prepares a field for planting. A discovery made too soon is no better than a discovery not made at all! As you go through each day, remember that you cannot learn if you are always talking. There is a reason you have one mouth and two ears. Listen to others and remain humble and you will learn things that can help you expand your talents. Remember, "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence" Let's all go and have a great day. I love you.

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