Tuesday 29 April 2014


Indeed, discovery is a path to Greatness! Believe it friends, everything that makes or will make mankind great is always COVERED. For you to become great, you must daily UNCOVER that which is COVERED. In simple term, this is what it means to DISCOVER i.e. your ability to uncover what is originally covered. It is finding out about new things or old things that have been hidden. It is about seeking a better understanding and learning new things. Truth is; God does not hide from us but He hides some things FOR us to DISCOVER for our own benefits.

The more that you know, the more you know that you don’t know. Also, the more that you know you don’t know the more that you want to know. One of the thrilling things about life is learning what you originally did not know. Your life should be a life of learning. A life of discovery. Learning is an enduring process. The deeper you get into a topic the more insight you gain. Don't stop at the top, dig down continuously. Make every day an opportunity to learn new things. It will surely help you grow and become all that you want to be.

Life is about discovery. A person who always desire to discover is a person in pursuit of destiny. The more you discover the better you become and the more productive you are. Discovery is important for people that are on the road of INTENTIONAL GROWTH. You must continually work on rearranging your thoughts to accommodate new insights that might come to you from variety of sources. We were all born with the desire to learn and know more. That is why in the course of our continued existence here on earth make new discoveries. We have to be open and ready for whatever discovery life brings us at every given moment.

New discoveries are acquired through various senses and are usually assimilated, merging with pre-existing knowledge and actions. Questioning plays a key role in discovery. Discoveries are often made due to questions. Some discoveries lead to the invention of objects, products, processes, or techniques. A discovery may sometimes be based on earlier discoveries, collaborations or ideas, and the process of discovery requires at least the awareness that an existing concept or method can be modified or transformed. However, some discoveries also represent a radical breakthrough in knowledge and might eventually lead to other discoveries.

It is amazing how the world has changed in recent time as a result of many discoveries. Anyone who wants to gain more control needs to get ahead in knowledge and discoveries. Never stop learning as one discovery always lead to another. I am always humbled when I witness wonderful things other people already know that I do not know. I love Socrates’ popular saying; "what I do not know I do not think I know". Never assume you know what you do not know. Always challenge the norm and seek out the answers for yourself. Follow no one blindly. Do nothing without first seeking to understand why. Always keep an open mind. Most importantly, never lose your ability to learn and be taught. I hope you still haven’t forgotten this article I wrote sometimes last year about learning.

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