Friday 24 May 2013

The Mind

Good morning friends. Ever wondered where brilliant ideas come from? How the world’s most prolific artists, business people, thinkers and inventors get the inspiration for their ideas, creations and achievements? Do you really think it was their upbringing? Would it be fair to just attribute it to luck? Were they just blessed with a gift most of us can only dream of? Or is there something else at work in them? Or perhaps you are one of the people who have concluded that they are not just human! I dare tell you that none of the above assumptions are correct. They are as human as you and I. What often makes the difference is the mind (and perhaps their exposure). The MIND is indeed a very powerful and mysterious tool! Consciously or otherwise, the mind plays an important role in achieving every kind of success, in every creation, invention and goal. Believe it or not, at almost every interval, your mind makes projections to you (either positive or negative) hence you must become aware of the mind and the projections it makes. More self-awareness will result in being aware of yourself as separate from your mind that is generating thoughts and imaginations which ultimately often lead to action(s). We all strive daily to achieve good health, wealth and happiness in our lives. I dare to tell you that you can have them all by using the power of your mind! Success and failure both start and end in the mind. The book ‘Think And Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill is perhaps one of the most influential books of ALL time (I advise you get and read it if you haven’t). The book is packed with techniques and instructions on how to develop your mind and create a mindset that can achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. As incredible as it might sound, happiness and unhappiness are both products of the mind. It doesn't absolutely have everything to do with what you have, who you are nor what you are. Two people of equal status, position, etc may not be equally happy. Numerous studies indicate that wealthy people are not much happier than the middle class. Once a person’s basic needs are met there is very little change in a person’s happiness as they become wealthier. What make the difference are the fears, self-judgments, criticisms, knowledge and beliefs that make up their minds. These elements of a person’s mind may not change because of a change in their wealth. Never make the mistake of accommodating negative projections in your mind. Truth is, they will constantly come. Take charge of your mind and use it effectively to your create and do the seemingly impossible. Always remember “you must weed your mind as you would weed your garden". Have a creative day.

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