Wednesday 29 May 2013


It's Democracy Day in Nigeria and I feel obliged to write about an issue that has eaten deep into us as a people. I have closely observed events in our country for the past years, including the many avoidable incidents that have claimed lives of many innocents people, the only thing I can say is that a big problem in our society is SELFISHNESS. If only our leaders and citizens, both rich and poor,have been a bit less selfish! Selfishness involves caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard or at the expense of those of others. It also include judging things according to one's own private appetites and passions. Selfish people are weak people and are haunted by the fear of loss of control, inadequacy, insecurity etc. They feel that there might not be enough for them if they give out their time, resources etc, to help others in need. I often wonder how some people manage to feel so wrapped up in their own pleasure, become so uninterested in their immediate environment and feel unconcerned in a world so full of suffering when there is so much we can do to help! However, there are important decisions that you make about your life that many people mistakenly view as being selfish. These decisions usually have huge impact on your happiness. they include the decision to live your life how you want, on your own standards and convictions. So many people live their lives according to other people's standards and wishes. As a result, they live unhappy and unsatisfying lives. Choosing to live how you want is not in anyway selfish as long as it obeys the 4-WAY TEST, it only means you are a courageous and self-confident individual. Selfish people find it hard to develop and keep fulfilling friendships and relationships. People will not associate with you for long if you repeatedly show through your words and actions that you only care about yourself. Remember, the world is not for you alone! The happiest people are those who specialise in making others happy. I encourage you to ensure you put smiles on the face of someone today and I assure you that you will end up feeling happier. Have a selfless Celebration fellow citizens. God bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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