Monday 17 June 2013


Good morning friends. It’s a beautiful morning in this placid city called Abuja. I do hope you all enjoyed you weekend. The world is full of people who go about every day in search of happiness, mostly in the wrong places. Surprisingly some don't even have a clue of what it takes to be happy. Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. The truth is that you are about as happy as you make up your mind to be. Your happiness is in your hands! Never put your happiness in someone’s hands. Ironically, very little is needed to make you happy; it is all within yourself, mostly in your way of thinking; the way you have chosen to see things. Clearly, the world of those who are happy is different from the world of those who are not. Remarkably, it always seems like different world for both categories. Those who are happy are people that habitually and consciously view themselves and their world the way they want, irrespective of the situation/circumstance. The lens with which you choose to view everything determines how you will interpret what is happening. Truth is you will always see what you want to see. Remember, your action(s) will ultimately be determined by your interpretation of events. All of which eventually become your life. You can choose to find happiness in every little achievement whereas you can as well choose to loathe the little achievements and remain unhappy. You can choose to interpret what happens in a positive way, or in a negative way. Your choices control much of how much happiness you will find and create in your life. Focus on the present, and not yesterday or tomorrow. Know that when one door closes, another opens. Many are in the habit of looking so long at the closed door that they do not see the one that has been opened for them. I love the words of James Oppenheim; "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet". Never forget to always be grateful. Say a simple "Thank You" as often as it is necessary and mean it with every sense of honesty. People who have developed an attitude of gratitude are often healthier, more optimistic, and more likely to make progress toward achieving personal goals. Resist the temptation to always count your troubles, rather, focus on things that bring u joy. Never forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we have. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It sounds simple, but it works. Happy people see possibilities, opportunities and success. When they think of the future, they are optimistic and when they review the past, they tend to savor the high points. Also, put money low on your list of priorities (but recognize its importance). Research shows that people who put money high on their priority list are more at risk of depression, sadness, anxiety and low self-esteem. The more we seek satisfactions in material things, the less we find them there. Cultivate the act of giving. Make it a part of your life and be purposeful about it. Make friends and treasure your family. Happier people tend to have good families, friends and supportive relationships. Also, have meaningful Goals. People, who strive for something significant, whether it’s learning a new thing or achieving a set goal, are far happier than those who don’t have strong dreams or aspirations. Avoid comparison, comparing ourselves with others can be damaging to happiness and self-esteem. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, focusing on our own personal achievement leads to greater satisfaction. Focus on how to increase positive moods and capitalize on your strengths. Finally, remember you only have now, now and now. Yesterday is a memory and you cannot change it. Tomorrow is just a fantasy in your mind right now. So live more in the now, focus on the present and have the best of the moment.

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