Thursday 21 November 2013

START NOW........Don't let 'later' become 'never'.

One of the obstacles between and individual and his goal in life is to simply to simply start with his plan for the future. Getting started is the beginning of the action part in a pursuit of your Purpose, Dream or Vision. Having discovered or decided what you really wanted, the next step is usually as simple as getting started.  Just like Mark Twain rightly puts it “the secret of getting ahead is getting started”. If you don’t start anything, you will never achieve anything.

Getting started is indeed one of the keys of success. To get things done you have to overcome Inertia in life. Many times this inertia is caused by lack of self-confidence or fear of failure. But the question you should ask yourself “what do you have to lose?” After all you‘ve been at the crossroads for a while knowing what you want but afraid to take the initiative. How many times are you willing to say, "I could have or should have done that?" Think of it this way; if you start, you have a chance, if you don't, your chances are zero. Which do you think would be better for you? You really have to trust your abilities and get started. You can adjust on your way! Besides, to have tried and failed is much better than having failed to try. Usually, it is the start that stops most people. Don't let it stop you! I am aware getting started sometimes is the hardest thing to do but you really have to overcome your fears and get started. Quit talking about it and Start from where you are. No Olympic athlete reaches the podium without starting....and that habit of starting began years ago - initially from a place of self-discipline and routine practice until it became part of who they are.

Getting started is the best for you. Even when you don't know where you are going, just get it started. It is only those who get started that need direction and God will first answer those that have taken the first step of faith by getting started even when they had no direction, unlike you, just sitting down there stagnant and defeated. Those in the medical profession, especially the ambulance, seem to have a better appreciation of the importance of getting started in order to keep a trauma patient alive. Even when the victim is badly injured and gasping for breath, they keep talking to him to get started while they await rescue operatives.

Getting started is an act of faith. Step out of your nest and get started. Step into faith and continue moving, the direction will surely come as long as you are moving. Sometimes, it may appear like you are not moving but you must never give up, it's just taking you through all the possibilities. It is a period of thoughtful reflection, analysis and strategic planning. While it may seem to the outside observer that nothing is happening at this time, those types of activities are very important as they help identify, define and clarify the problem.

Getting started requires a decision and then acting on that decision. Delay the start and you stop yourself from progressing. He who doesn't start spends his life standing still but in reality and relatively moving backwards compared to those who have started. Getting started starts in your heart, moves to your head and then to your hands and feet. It initiates momentum.

Start where you are today and you will be amazed where that leads you tomorrow. Sometimes in life it is not about trying to fix something that is broken, it is simply about starting something new and creating something better. If you do not get started you might never find the changes you desire, get over your fears and start today! Remember, “A journey of a thousand miles starts with just one single step”. You don’t have to see the whole staircase before you take the first step. Have faith, keep moving and ensure you finish strong. Remember, “You don’t have to be great to start, you simply have to start to be great”. I love you.